MATCH represents what seems to be unrepresentable. Performers are consigned to things one cannot fully assume. Sometimes the task is to perform the inanimate object that neither acts nor speaks, but only is. Sometimes it is to act out the thing that is ungraspable in its abstraction or its monstrous implications.
With its hesitations and repetitions, its interruptions and resumptions and its explicit admission, MATCH’s process of creation bears witness to the obscurity of standing for other things.
Choreography: Begüm Erciyas
With: Anja Bornsek/Irina Müller, Dennis Deter, Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias
Sound: Lucas Vincent Dietrich
Light: Sandra Blatterer
Press/ Public Relations: Barbara Greiner
Produktion: Begüm Erciyas › Unterstützt von: TanzWerkstatt Berlin, fabrik Potsdam - Tanzplan Potsdam: Artists-in-Residence, AHK / de Theaterschool Amsterdam, Tanzfabrik (Berlin) › Gefördert aus Mitteln des Hauptstadtkulturfonds
Premiere: 18-19 August at Tanz im August Festival 2011, Berlin
3rd April 2012 Frascati, Amsterdam